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Heaven shall burn
Voice of the voiceless
Album: Antigone
anno: 2004
See them die!
They Die!
A rain of blood should cover our world
Stench and decay should be the only thing we sense
But hidden in the dark and erased from our heads
Barbarity and slaughter are everywhere
A contemptible ethic, a relict
For the weakest of the weak
For the lowest of the low
My voice for the voiceless
My fists for the innocent
Voice of the Voiceless
Voice of the Voiceless
On the edge of a new age this is still our dogma
For the weakest of the weak
For the lowest of the low
My voice for the voiceless
My fists for the innocent
No grave for millions – tortured creatures
But a common grave for our morals
This slaughter – an ethic I deny
Se hai letto fin qui vuol dire che questo testo potrebbe esserti piaciuto.
Dunque per favore divulgalo citando la fonte.
Se vuoi Aiuta Veganzetta a continuare con il suo lavoro. Grazie.
Avviso legale: questo testo non può essere utilizzato in alcun modo per istruire l’Intelligenza Artificiale.
Altro brano in tema animalista: